Monday, February 11, 2008

Thing Two: Watching and Reading

I'm starting to feel like I know Stephen Abram better than my husband. Is it just me or is he everywhere? The subject of time for the 23 things came up in his video. Here's how I find the time (with a little background): I'm currently on what I'm calling an extended leave or sabbatical from a "regular" job until both our children are in school. In the meantime, I'm staying as active as possible in my association (SLA) and am doing a bit of freelance on the side (thus, Knowledge Nomads was recently born). 

My day goes a bit like this - the toddler starts crying in his crib about 6:30 in the morning and needs attention until the preschooler gets to preschool at 9 am. Toddler is entertained until preschooler gets picked up at 11:30. Lunch for both, toddler goes down for nap and preschooler gets entertained until toddler wakes up. Both are entertained until Dad comes home at 6:30, dinner is made, served, cleaned up, and both kids are in bed and sleeping by 9 pm.

Time for 23 things starts at 9:01.

The time is there. You just have to make yourself do it. Yes, I'd rather be watching Cashmere Mafia and drinking wine. But I'm not.

If I want to be relevant for my triumphant return to a special library I need to know this stuff.
The funny thing is, I'm actually looking forward to it after a day with my brain in KidZone.

It will be interesting to learn applications for a special library. My background is in ad agencies where everyone is perpetually 24 (and I'm not anymore - how did that happen???). Which means the people coming to me for information have been using the internet their entire lives (tween to adulthood, anyway). And Google has now been around for most of that. 

From the requests I'm getting from LinkedIn, I know my future coworkers will have their profiles all over the place and 2.0 will be second nature to them. I can't be left behind.

An article in AdWeek last week said that traditional advertising is dead and agencies need to get with the program with the social networking stuff so that commercial messages are imbedded and people are more open to receiving them. From what I've heard agencies know this already but the clients are the harder sell. Hmmm, somewhere in here I smell an opportunity...

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